The Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm
Schwartz, D., Youngs, N., & Britto, A. (2014). The Ripple protocol consensus algorithm. Ripple Labs Inc White Paper, 1–8. Retrieved from
- Distributed consensus systems allow for fast, low-cost, decentralised transactions. Technical problems are grouped into three categories: correctness, agreement, utility.
- Correctness:
- the system needs to distinguish between correct and fraudulent transactions
- traditionally, trusted institutions guarantee transactions with cryptographic signatures, but in general distributed systems there are no trusted parties.
- Agreement:
- a single global truth needs to be maintained, i.e. only one set of globally recognised transactions can exist
- this is necessary to avoid the Double-Spend Problem
- Utility:
- this is the most abstract and poorly defined of the three categories. It relates to what the network is like for users.
- e.g. latency, computing power required for correctness, the technical proficiency required by users
- Nonfaulty nodes behave honestly and without error, whereas faulty nodes may be honest (e.g. suffering from data corruption) or malicious (Byzantine errors).
- Consensus is defined according to three axioms:
- C1. Every nonfaulty node makes a decision in finite time
- C2. All nonfaulty nodes decide on the same value
- C3. Nonfaulty nodes have multiple possible values (this condition prevents trivial uniform solutions)
- Fischer, Lynch, Patterson (FLP) impossibility states that in the asynchronous case (individual nodes’ decision times are not bounded), termination cannot be guaranteed if there are any faulty nodes. Thus, time-based heuristics must be adopted.
- In the synchronous case, it has been proven that no network can tolerate more than $(n-1)/3$ Byzantine faults. However, this can be overcome if there is verifiable authenticity (e.g. digital signatures) on the messages between nodes.
- Previous asynchronous algorithms have achieved Byzantine fault tolerances of $(n-1)/5$ (FaB Paxos), $(n-1)/4$ (phase algorithm), and $(n-1)/3$ (BFT-CUP, with certain added constraints).
The Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm (RPCA)
- Each server/node s maintains a unique node list (UNL), which are the only nodes that s queries when determining consensus. The UNL forms a trusted subset of the network, even if some individual members of the UNL are not trusted.
- The RPCA is applied by all nodes every few seconds, reaching consensus assuming there are no forks or system errors. The RPCA proceeds in rounds:
- Each node publishes all valid transactions it has seen that are not yet part of the ledger, forming a candidate set
- Each node amalgamates the candidate sets of all the nodes in its UNL, then votes on the veracity of each transaction.
- Transactions with more than a certain percentage of ‘no’ votes are either discarded or included in the next candidate set.
- If at least 80% of a node’s UNL agrees on a transaction, it is applied to the ledger.
- The ledger is closed, becoming the new last-closed ledger.
- Strong correctness is guaranteed for $f \leq (n-1)/5$ Byzantine failures. However, although consensus cannot be reached for $20\% < f < 80\%$, in this case fraudulent transactions will not be confirmed. Thus weak correctness is maintained for any $f \leq (4n+1)/5$.
- If the probability of a node colluding maliciously with other nodes is $p_c$, then the probability of correctness $p^*$ is given using the Binomial Distribution:
\[p^* = \sum_{i=0}^{\lceil (n-1)/5 \rceil} \binom{n}{i} p_c^i (1-p_c)^{n-i}\]
- Thus the UNL must be chosen to minimise $p_c$. This is possible because nodes are cryptographically identifiable, so specific nodes can be grouped with other nodes such that they are less likely to form Byzantine collusions. High $p_c$ values can be somewhat compensated for with more nodes in the UNL, e.g. $p_c = 0.15, n=200 \implies p^* = 90\%$.
To meet the agreement criterion, some level of interconnectivity is required in the network: the formation of UNL ‘cliques’ may result in forks, as different parts of the network have different ledgers.
- To satisfy the utility criterion, it must be shown that consensus is reached in finite time. Because the RPCA is deterministic and has a preset number of rounds, the limiting factor is latency between nodes. This is bounded by removing nodes where latency increases beyond a certain value. Note that the final UNL must satisfy the correctness/agreement bounds in terms of network size and connectivity.
- A number of other heuristics are used:
- mandatory 2 second window for nodes to propose candidate sets, to allow for slow connections within latency bounds.
- during voting, nodes can be flagged and removed for repeated malicious behaviour, such as consistent ‘no’ votes
- default UNLs are provided to minimise $p_c$, though nodes are encouraged to choose their own UNL.
- each node monitors the size of its UNL: a sudden drop may signify a fork.
- the rounds in the RPCA allow for latency detection to improve overall network speed.
- The overall low latency, speed, and provable security (given the bounds) of the Ripple network make it ideal for financial transactions.